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Scottsdale Thunderbird Seventh-Day Adventist Church.. Proclaiming! Good News of Christs' Coming!

Aug 17, 2012

Scottsdale Thunderbird Church - Announcements - August 18, 2012

Scottsdale Thunderbird
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Announcements - 
August 18, 2012

This Week:
Today                                    Fellowship Meal after the church service
Sun         Aug 19   noon       Prayer Vigil at the Conference Office
Wed        Aug 22   6:30pm  Pathfinder Registration
Wed        Aug 22   7pm        Prayer Meeting in the Fellowship Room

Upcoming Events:
Wed        Aug 29   6:30pm  First Meeting for Pathfinder’s
Wed        Aug 29   7pm        Prayer Meeting in the Fellowship Room
Sun         Sept 9     9am        Elder’s Meeting
Thur       Sept 13  7pm        Church Board Meeting
                Sept 28-30            14th Annual Statewide Men’s Spiritual Retreat

Tithes & Offerings

Online-Gift giving can be given through our website @ www.scottsdalesdachurch.com 

Prayer Vigil at the Conference Office on Sunday, August 19th at noon.  All are encouraged to participate in a special Prayer Vigil as our leaders and delegates vote at the Special Pacific Union Constituency Meeting.  This session was called to consider proposed changes to the Pacific Union Bylaws that, if voted, would result in the union approving the ordination of ministers without regard to gender.  In addition to focused prayer on unity, we will be watching the live stream of the constituency proceedings over the internet.  If distance limits stop you in joining us, please be praying from where you are.  For more information please call 480-888-6983.

Pathfinder’s   Registration for Pathfinder’s will be on Wednesday, August 22nd at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Room.  The Pathfinder’s will begin with their first meeting on Wednesday, August 29th at 6:30pm.  Scott Byers will be leading the group. We are looking forward to an exciting Pathfinder group this year!

Thunderbird Adventist Academy is asking for your help.  School started on Monday, August 13th at TAA and there are nine students that want to attend, but are having financial difficulty.  Can you help with a special donation to TAA for these students?  Each one has a strong commitment to Christian education and a desire to be a part of the TAA family. You can donate by designating to “9 TAA students” on a tithe envelope.  You may also call Anjali Tierney at 602-410-0870, or you may mail  to TAA Development Department at 7410 E Sutton Road, Scottsdale, AZ  85260.  Thank you for your support!

New Website  Scottsdale Thunderbird Church is happy to announce our new website at www.scottsdalesdachurch.com.  Come visit our website and enjoy the things that it has to offer. 

Arizona Tax Credit  A Christian Education for each of our young people?  It can happen with your Arizona Tax Credit.  For more information, visit www.azadventistscholarships.com or call 480-991-6777. 

Stay Informed  We have a church events weekly email message. If you would like to be included on the list, give your email address to Linda Smith. You may also call her at 602-329-5733. Special thanks to Linda for all her hard work.

Investment Project   Please collect Worthington, Loma Linda, Morningstar Farms, and Natural Touch UPC Bar Code labels.  The Cradle Roll/Kindergarten Sabbath School class will be collecting the labels and they are worth 5 cents each toward Mission Investment.

Pastor Visits    If you would like a visit, prayer, Bible study, or to prepare for baptism, please call or email Pastor Jay Warren at 480-993-771, surketrider@yahoo.com or complete the blue card in the back of the pews.

Copies of Sabbath Services  are available from the PA booth upon request.  A $5 donation is suggested.

Bulletin Announcements to Linda Melara by Wednesday evenings.  Please call 602-578-5108 or email  to  linda-melaradesign@cox.net.

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