3 Year Event began April 17, 2012 ends 2015
Worldwide challenge to read a chapter of the bible every day
for 3 years.
Weekly Events
Tuesday Mornings
Join us at 7AM every Tuesday morning in Pastor Jay's office
as we pray for our schools.
Wednesday evenings
Soup/Sandwich/Supper will be discontinued for the rest of
the summer.
7PM Prayer Meeting
Thursday Nights every other week
Good News TV Prayer Call 8-9PM
Call-in phone number:
858-200-4900 Passcode number: 403-7032
August Events
Aug 2 - Thursday Night 8PM
Call-in phone number:
858-200-4900 Passcode number: 403-7032
Aug 4 - Sabbath
Sabbath School Program 9:30AM Take a peek at the new church
Presentation on the SDA Community Service Center by Denise
Sanderson after Sabbath School.
Sermon by Pastor Jay.
Fellowship Meal after church.
Aug 8 - Wednesday Night
Prayer Meeting in the Fellowship Room.
Aug 10 - Friday 4PM
Vespers by the pool. Come early and swim. Come later for a
light meal, singing, prayer and praise. Bring a chair.
Aug 12 - Sunday
TCE Registration Day
Aug 13- Monday
TCE First Day of School
Aug 16 - Thursday Night 8PM
Call-in phone number:
858-200-4900 Passcode number: 403-7032
Aug 18 - Sabbath
Fellowship Meal after church
Aug 30 - Thursday Night 8PM
Call-in phone number:
858-200-4900 Passcode number: 403-7032
Messages from our Members -
Please pray for the Stelfox family. Liz has two cousins back
east. One cousin, Danielle, has a 2 year old son, Grayson. Remember him in your
prayers. His family took him to the surgeon today for a brain tumor. He is
scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Her other cousin was leaving for a Maranatha
trip this week but had to pull out to stay with the family during this
difficult time. Pray that she can meet up with the Maranatha group later.
Pastor Paul White from the Paradise Valley Church is
Investment Project - Save your labels. Bring the UPC/Bar
Code labels from canned and boxed foods from Worthington, Loma Linda,
Morningstar Farms and Natural Touch to Cradle Roll/Kindergarten each Sabbath.
Each label is redeemable for a nickel toward Mission Investment. Don't forget your labels.
Copies of Sabbath Services CD copies are available from the
PA booth. A $5 donation is suggested.
Thunderbird Christian Elementary School has a new on site
principal, Penny Escalante. Penny and her husband Ruben with work together to
provide leadership for our PreK - 8th grades. Penny will be working full time
as principal. We are happy to have her on staff and ask everyone to pray for
the success of the school. As Ruben says "Pray Hard!"
Good News TV is now broadcasting on Channel 22. You will
need an antennae to receive the signal. (Rabbit ears antennas work.)
Good News TV has been given a matching funds offer. $3,800
church one-time offer. $16,000 individual one-time offer and an individual $840
monthly donation offer. Prayerfully consider making a donation.
Do you have some time to deliver a Bible and Great
Controversy to viewers who watch the programs call in and request these books?
Contact Susan Skelton and let her know you can drop these off at the homes of
viewers. 480-888-6983
Sponsor a 1/2 hour program on GNTV once a week for a month.
The show costs $8. The monthly cost is $32.
Enclose your donation in the tithe envelope and mark it GNTV
Monthly Program.
Good News TV Prayer Group - meets on the phone every other
Thursday night. From the comfort of your home or where ever you might be, call
in to the phone conference line and join others to pray for Good News TV and
Mas TV and for the requests of those who call into the TV stations for prayer
requests. 8-9PM every other Thursday night. Pray the full hour or just for a
few minutes.
Call-in phone number:
858-200-4900 Pass code number: 403-7032
Prayer List: Continue to pray for our students, teachers,
and staff at TCE and TAA and for our new TAA principal.
Pray also for Betty and Bill Alvarez, Mercedes and Fred
Carr, the Prinke family, the Lysinger family, the Thacker family, the Blake
family, Candace's daughter, the Stelfox family.
Pray for the President of the United States.
Pray for the victims and families in the Colorado movie
theater incident.
Medical Missionary Training - The latest training is in
Reno, Nevada through mid August. Pray for this ministry as they spread the
spiritual message and the health message together. They will be wrapping up
soon. They must be getting tired. Be faithful and hold them up in your prayers
for the work they are doing.
SDA Community Service Center The Lord has greatly blessed
our Community Service Center with a beautiful transformation. Come visit, take
a tour. It turned out so beautiful.
Spend some time volunteering. We can use your help. Pastor
John Schachinger has been assigned as the Pastor for the Community Center. He
has been working on plans to bring the neighborhood into the Center and
minister to them. We are blessed to have him working with Denise and the staff.
1320 N 15th St (just south of McDowell Rd). Open to
volunteers 9AM-12PM Mondays-Fridays. Open for the public 9AM - 12 PM
Tuesdays-Thursdays and worship on Sabbath.
Wonder where our TAA students are every Sabbath afternoon?
Pastor Robbie takes them to the Center to witness to the children and their
Do you know anyone who has a wholesale connection for
clothing, men's clothing - new underwear and socks, shoes, shirts, pants, or
belts. We also need gently used men's clothes.
Call the center 602-258-9951 or Jerry at 623-606-7935.
Serving Angels Ministry is here to help our church family
members when the need arises. Let us know if there is a family in need of an
offering of meals, a morning of yard work or house cleaning, etc and especially
of prayers. Join us in this ministry. We all need help at some time.
Tithes and Offerings You can also make your tithes (10%) and
your offerings (around 5%) to Scottsdale Thunderbird Church on-line at
scottsdale.adventistfaith.org or https://www.adventistgiving.org/?OrgID=ANP4HL.
Don't forget to mark you offerings to the ministries of your
choice such as our local Church, the Community Service Center, Good News TV,
and the Beehive Ministry.
Donations are welcome.
Scottsdalesdachurch.com Have you been there yet? It's our
new website. There is a lot of wonderful information on it. Go see it while it
is under construction. Give us your feed back. In fact give us your recipes,
photos, stories, prayer requests, etc.
Memory Text: “But just as we have been approved by God to be
entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God
who tests our hearts”(1 Thessalonians 2:4, ESV).
Key Thought: By revealing what the true motive in ministry
must be, Paul can help us all examine our hearts and lives in light of the
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